Another holiday/four-day week, which means my schedule is off-kilter! Do you feel the same way? Tuesday feels like Monday, Wednesday feels like Monday too....?
In ceramics, I'm working on getting pieces done for the Florida Fiber-In, next week. Eeep! I need to fire the kiln two or three more times before then. I'd say "next year, don't let me do two completely different craft shows for which I need completely different stock, three weeks apart" but I've already applied for and been accepted to Big Bang Bazaar in August of next year, and Fiber-In, so....! Hahahahah! Maybe next year I'll have more of a handle on it. ANYWAY. Two more firings. Three, if I can manage it. Also - I've got the new fairy doors photographed, but I need time to write the listings for them. Hopefully before Fiber-In! I'm all yarn, all day here right now, so I don't have much to spare for other things, even when I know they need to be done.
In soap, I had a few large custom orders come in, and I'm just about done with those. Because of the way I make soap, I had a few ounces here and there left over from my custom orders, so I'll have a small soap restock soon. I've also got a few bars that came out a little smaller than normal, and some extras of fragrances I don't usually make... I don't want them just sitting around taking up space so next week I'm going to add them all to the Miscellaneous Marked-Down soap listing. Stay tuned for that! Next week (hopefully) I'll also be listing the Halloween gift soap set -- I say hopefully because while I've got them all wrapped and photographed, I need time to write the listing still. If not next week, definitely the week after Fiber-In. I'm also about to release a new soap I haven't even really had time to mention - another masculine fragrance, this one called Trickster Coyote. I've got it sitting next to my computer right now, and y'all! I can't even. I just want to huff it every time I sit down.
In yarn, I'm dyeing yarn club, and as soon as I'm done with that I'll be dyeing the next limited edition color, Weathered Pink. It is limited (as in, I'm dyeing it once and in a limited number of skeins), but I'm wondering if y'all would like me to do a preorder listing? That way if you're thinking of making a garment with it, or something that might need two or more skeins, you'd be sure to get what you want. Shout out if a pre-order listing would make you happy! Otherwise I'll just dye the number I had planned, and list them as soon as I can. I was hoping for before Fiber-In, but I haven't even started dyeing them yet so I don't think that's going to happen. Boo! Many of you noticed the pictures of the early stages of my next permanent colorway, Golden Years. I'm hoping to have that out in late October. That's going to be it for this year -- I was thinking I'd have another limited in November, and another permanent in December, but I'm going to push those back to next year - I might be doing two craft shows in December, and I need to pace myself for that.
In other things, That Poor Man is just about done with the kiln shed. It's looking better and better every couple of days! It already looks different than the picture in this post. I'll have some more photos later this week and next.
That's it for me... what about y'all? What are you working on this week? What pies are your fingers in?