WiP Wed (09/25/24)

WiP Wed (09/25/24)

Slight work sidetrack this week as I've (a) gotten the AC fixed in my car and (b) have been prepping for a hurricane. Hurricane prep is... well, you never know 100% totally for sure which way it's going to go (have you ever seen a Spaghetti Model? They will make you wonder if hurricane paths can be predicted at all!) so you go ahead and spend a day or two getting ready and then you just... live life as normal (?) as you watch the tracking change every few hours. The NOAA National Hurricane Center (NHC) issues advisories at least every 6 hours at 5 am, 11 am, 5 pm, and 11 pm EDT, so that should tell you when most of Florida is hitting refresh on their browsers. Last I saw the cone was aiming a little more west than it was yesterday, which means we'll be on the outskirts of what's called the "dirty" or "windy" side... the side where the most tornados tend to form. Am I worried, though? Yes but no. I'm worried about my friends and loved ones who are more in the direct line of it, because their winds are going to be full-on awful. Sure, tornados are hard to predict, but I'll take "hard to predict but chances of getting hit by one are low" over "being in direct path of sustained 100-150mph winds for 6-12 hours."

But anyway. I am still getting some work done!

In ceramics, I've fired the kiln with some things for the shop and some things to hold for GLAM in December, and I'm working on glazing more and hopefully having another firing in a day or two (that'll be restocking decal mugs)... and then another one next week, if not two (cross your fingers!). I'd really, really like to have at least two shop updates between now and when I go to England in November.

In yarn, the next shop update should see three to five new colorways (depending on how fast I can get everything wound; I've got five colorways dyed up but will I be able to get everything wound in time?). I'll also have some new "blind date" sets that I hadn't been able to get wrapped for my earlier listing of them.

In Patreon, I think I need some new topics for bonus posts... I'm running out of things to say about the Sandhill Ecosystem. Anything I've ever mentioned casually that anyone would like a series of posts about? Anything I know how to do that you want to learn about, either how or why I do it that way? Anyone want a series of posts on reviewing peanut butter sandwiches??? My idea bucket is running a little low, can you tell?

Behind the scenes, and I think I've mentioned this, I've been sorting through some of my older social media pictures, putting things in categories instead of being sorted by date (that way I know things like "oh, hey, I've used that photo three times already for a Throwback Thursday picture, maybe don't use that one any more!") and it's had an unintended but very welcome side effect... it's made me remember how I used to do/handle/plan some things before my life went off the rails in December of 2021, and is inspiring me to revisit those routines and ways of planning... which in turn is making me feel a little more connected to my work and making me be a little more intentional about my time and schedule. I dig it.

What I’m reading/watching/listening to.... Anything? I'm still re-re-re-re-watching Homicide: Life on the Street since it's streaming on Peacock, and also interspersing every now and then with an episode of LOST. I've started reading Elizabeth Hand's A Haunting on the Hill (it's been on my TBR pile for a while and I've finally whittled my way down to it); so far, engaging in the way that makes me wish I could just take two days off and sit and read the whole thing, instead of trying to find a few minutes here and there to read a page or five. And I'm listening to the podcast Handsome, with Tig Notaro, Fortune Feimster, and Mae Martin. Always hilarious and sometimes even insightful (if you don't mind them going off on a lot of only vaguely-related-to-the-question tangents).

OK, that's about it for me this week. It's almost 2 in the afternoon and in between writing this I also ran up to the store to get something I forgot to get yesterday, stopped at a friend's house to drop something off, ate lunch, fed the studio animals, and got sidetracked researching cameras (I chipped my camera lens in Scotland and either need to find a place to repair it or buy another one before England in November).

So tell me about you! What are you doing/working on? Any good hobbies this week? Anything at work you're proud of? Are you in the hurricane path? If so, are you ready? Tell me about your week!

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