WiP Wed (09/18/24)

WiP Wed (09/18/24)

It's Wednesday, what am I up to?

In ceramics, I'm glazing glazing glazing, trying to get enough to load and fire the kiln. OK, let's be honest, I'd like to be glazing enough to be able to load and fire the kiln TWICE... but I'd take once! I've got some rainbow mugs going on, some things to add to the website, some things I'm making for GLAM in December, and some restock decal mugs.

In yarn, I'm dyeing the Patreon/Club yarn (I should be mailing it out tomorrow, if I can finish getting it wound today - otherwise, Friday). And I'm working on prepping some yarn to dye in a new colorway; I've got three new colorways already dyed (although not rewound) and I'd like to get two more done before my next shop update.

When will my next shop update happen...? Good question! I'm hoping to have one on September 27th, and then another one on October 18th. Cross your fingers!

In Patreon, I've sent out the postcards, and like I said above, yarn is about to go out and so are ceramics. Of course I'm working on a new chapter, and I'm trying to figure out where I left off blogging about Hanks. I KNOW! I fell behind on those posts like two years ago!

In the HaldeCult, it's almost time for me to post the next round of conversation starter questions, and I'm thinking of some new topics. I'm open to suggestions, if anyone has any!

Behind the scenes, it's almost time for quarterly sales tax (yay). Last time my sales were so low I didn't actually owe them anything... so I'm a little nervous to do them this time. I mean, I never got a letter saying I did it wrong, but it does flat out say "you can't send us zero money." Which kind of implies they want you to lie.... doesn't it? But can you imagine anything scarier than lying to the IRS??? Sales tax makes me nervous, can you tell? I've been doing it almost fifteen years and I still worry that I get it wrong.

What I’m watching ... I was (re)watching LOST, until my favorite cop show, Homicide: Life on the Street started finally streaming on Peacock. Do I own the DVDs? Of course. Have I watched the whole series multiple times? Of course. Will I still stream it, to support the act of them finally putting it out there? Of course. You should, too! Trust me, it is a fantastic, gritty show.

What about you? What are you working on? What hobby has your attention this week? Are you reading or watching anything good? Tell me how you're doing!

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